The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA) is a program of induction into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. More than that, it is a faith journey designed to meet our fundamental spiritual needs as God’s children. It helps us identify with and become a part of a faith community.
Class gatherings begin in September and continue until after the Easter Vigil (when the sacraments are conferred). The community developed throughout the OCIA program is one of lasting relationships. Our gatherings provide the opportunity for honest conversation, education, and prayerfulness in your preparation journey. Our program welcomes anyone who has been Baptized in the Catholic faith, through another Tradition, or who seeks the receive the Sacraments of Initiation within the Catholic faith.
To find out more, please click the Faith Formation tab on this website and go to OCIA. You can also contact a member of our pastoral staff or Cetta York, Director of Faith Formation, at 410-879-0959 or email [email protected].